Thursday, September 22, 2011

Pumpkin Pie Playdough!

We made pumpkin pie playdough today.  It smelled so good!!!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Balloon Release Day: Prayers to God

We had so much fun today releasing our prayers to God!  He is always listening and knows our every need.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Open House Night!!

Tonight we had our Open House with Fall Brownies, Harvest Trail Mix, and Apple Cider Tea!  Each class had so much fun with games and prizes and scavenger hunts around the classroom.  We even gave away a Fall Harvest Recipe Basket for whoever guessed how many candy corns were in the Jar.  Our teachers prepared Welcome Packets that listed everything we would be learning this year and explained how we prepared the children for Kindergarten.  It was a great night!!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

July Happenings

We have had a very fun and full summer so far!! We just celebrated out Pre-K Graduation with a Kindergarten Bootcamp theme!  They all did an amazing job.  All the children each  received a Graduation Photo Album, bubbles, gifts from Ms. Jessica, and dog tags.  We also had a visit from Mr. Bond the Science Guy who talked to us about the Space and the Solar System. There is nothing better than Summer Quest at Holly Tree!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Summer Quest Guests!!

We have had tons of fun this week with all our incredible guests!  We had Wiggles and Shakes Nashville Zoo, Officer Sam came and talked to us about school safety, and Ozzie from the Sounds!  We are having such a great time this summer!!

Monday, June 20, 2011

Faith Family Fun Night

We had such a great time at our Faith, Family, Fun Night!!

The kids did such a great job during worship, playing in the moon bounce, making smores, and just hanging out on the playground!  It was a great opportunity for our families to connect and I look forward to the next one.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Life Guard Guest

This week we are learning about everything to do with the Beach!  We know there will be a lot of swimming and water play so on Thursday we had a local Life Guard come in and talk to the kids about water safety.  They listened very attentively to every single word!!  He taught them about when to call for help and what to do if they or someone else gets into situation where they would need help.  It was very informative and they even left handouts for parents.  This is perfect because every Friday we have Water Play Fun so I am sure they will be using all the safety tips they learned!!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Dad's Drop In Devotion

When and Where: 2 Times and Location

1) 1st and 3rd Thursday, Holly Tree Christian Preschool 1384 Holly Tree Gap Rd. Brentwood Tn. 37027 - On Franklin Rd past Moores Lane, by Brentwood Rental.

2) 2nd and 4th Thursday, Holly Tree Christian Preschool 201 Seaboard Ln. Franklin Tn. 37064 - Across from the Cool Springs YMCA.

What; Drop-In for a bite size nugget of truth to help you in your day.

Contact; Kendall Rush, Branches Ministries; 615-955-0356, or visit

Presented by Branches Ministries
Sponsored by Holly Tree Christian Preschool

Faith Family Fun Night

When: June 16, 6:00 pm

Where: 2 Locations

1) Holly Tree Christian Preschool 1384 Holly Tree Gap Rd. Brentwood Tn. 37027 - On Franklin Rd past Moores Lane, by Brentwood Rental.

2) Holly Tree Christian Preschool 201 Seaboard Ln. Franklin Tn. 37064 - Across from the Cool Springs YMCA.

What: An evening of Faithfilled Worship, Fun Crafts, and Family Smores.

Contact; Kendall Rush, Branches Ministries; 615-955-0356, or visit

Presented by Branches Ministries

Sponsored by Holly Tree Christian Preschool

Camp Fire Kids VBS!!

When: July 11-13th, 6:00 pm - 7:45 pm

Where: 2 Locations

1) Holly Tree Christian Preschool 1384 Holly Tree Gap Rd. Brentwood Tn. 37027 - On Franklin Rd past Moores Lane, by Brentwood Rental.

2) Holly Tree Christian Preschool 201 Seaboard Ln. Franklin Tn. 37064 - Across from the Cool Springs YMCA.

What; Three fun evenings of Worship, Crafts, Activities, and Snack. Drop-in welcome or Pre-register.

Contact; Kendall Rush, Branches Ministries; 615-955-0356, or visit

Presented by Branches Ministries
Sponsored by Holly Tree Christian Preschool

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Summer Quest Family Picnic Kick OFF!!

I hope everone had a great Memorial Day weekend.  It was great to have a long weekend and  just have fun in the sun.  We had a great start to our summer with our Summer Kick Off Family Picnic!!   It was really hot outside but the kids enjoyed bringing a sack lunch to school and having an extended play time.  Thank you to all the Holly Tree parents that came and made it so special!!

This summer is going to be jam packed with awesome activities!!
Next week is Sand Castles, Red Cross Visit on Water Safety, and make Beach Collages. 

There is no other place like Holly Tree for Summer Fun!!!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Mud Day

We had a blast today playing in the mud for Mud Day!  The kids took off their shoes and made dirt foot prints.  They also painted beautiful earthy paintings with sticks.  Of course it wouldn't have been appropriate to not have "MUD PIES"!!  We had chocolate pudding and oreos all mixed together.  The kids loved getting to experience nature.  It stimulated all the senses and was a great learning experience for them.  I am looking forward to doing it again next year!  Thank you to all the families that came and took part.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Up in the Air

On Friday, a very cool tradition here at Holly Tree took place.  The big balloon release!  Right now we are studying "Up in the Air" as our curriculum theme for March and what better way to bring together education, faith, and fun, than with our balloon release!  You see, this isn't just any old balloon, it's a special balloon. It's a balloon with a special prayer attached.

Each child dictates a prayer that they would like to send and their teacher will write it down for them.  Then, the child decorates their prayer and they tie it to a balloon.  Anticipation is palpable as each student goes outside with their prayers.  Then in one big swoop the balloon is swept away, off to the sky! 

It is so much fun and each year we look forward to this special event.  This year was no exception, and we can't wait to do it again!

Monday, March 7, 2011

The Fun Bus!

Last Thursday was a big treat for everyone here at Holly Tree! Since we were the big shot winners of our Never Grow Up Fitness Fanatics competition (That's right, most family participation out of 7 centers!) we had the Fun Bus come to celebrate!

All children ages two and up were able to participate on the bus, and our smaller friends had a blast in our moon bounce! We had snacks, drinks, and most of all FUN!! It's safe to say that the kids tired themselves out and I have to admit... I may have slid down that slide a few times! It was irresistable, see for yourselves!

Thanks so much everyone for helping make us number one two years in a row!  We had a great time celebrating the big win and can't wait for next years Fitness Fanatic frenzy!!