Monday, June 20, 2011

Faith Family Fun Night

We had such a great time at our Faith, Family, Fun Night!!

The kids did such a great job during worship, playing in the moon bounce, making smores, and just hanging out on the playground!  It was a great opportunity for our families to connect and I look forward to the next one.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Life Guard Guest

This week we are learning about everything to do with the Beach!  We know there will be a lot of swimming and water play so on Thursday we had a local Life Guard come in and talk to the kids about water safety.  They listened very attentively to every single word!!  He taught them about when to call for help and what to do if they or someone else gets into situation where they would need help.  It was very informative and they even left handouts for parents.  This is perfect because every Friday we have Water Play Fun so I am sure they will be using all the safety tips they learned!!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Dad's Drop In Devotion

When and Where: 2 Times and Location

1) 1st and 3rd Thursday, Holly Tree Christian Preschool 1384 Holly Tree Gap Rd. Brentwood Tn. 37027 - On Franklin Rd past Moores Lane, by Brentwood Rental.

2) 2nd and 4th Thursday, Holly Tree Christian Preschool 201 Seaboard Ln. Franklin Tn. 37064 - Across from the Cool Springs YMCA.

What; Drop-In for a bite size nugget of truth to help you in your day.

Contact; Kendall Rush, Branches Ministries; 615-955-0356, or visit

Presented by Branches Ministries
Sponsored by Holly Tree Christian Preschool

Faith Family Fun Night

When: June 16, 6:00 pm

Where: 2 Locations

1) Holly Tree Christian Preschool 1384 Holly Tree Gap Rd. Brentwood Tn. 37027 - On Franklin Rd past Moores Lane, by Brentwood Rental.

2) Holly Tree Christian Preschool 201 Seaboard Ln. Franklin Tn. 37064 - Across from the Cool Springs YMCA.

What: An evening of Faithfilled Worship, Fun Crafts, and Family Smores.

Contact; Kendall Rush, Branches Ministries; 615-955-0356, or visit

Presented by Branches Ministries

Sponsored by Holly Tree Christian Preschool

Camp Fire Kids VBS!!

When: July 11-13th, 6:00 pm - 7:45 pm

Where: 2 Locations

1) Holly Tree Christian Preschool 1384 Holly Tree Gap Rd. Brentwood Tn. 37027 - On Franklin Rd past Moores Lane, by Brentwood Rental.

2) Holly Tree Christian Preschool 201 Seaboard Ln. Franklin Tn. 37064 - Across from the Cool Springs YMCA.

What; Three fun evenings of Worship, Crafts, Activities, and Snack. Drop-in welcome or Pre-register.

Contact; Kendall Rush, Branches Ministries; 615-955-0356, or visit

Presented by Branches Ministries
Sponsored by Holly Tree Christian Preschool

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Summer Quest Family Picnic Kick OFF!!

I hope everone had a great Memorial Day weekend.  It was great to have a long weekend and  just have fun in the sun.  We had a great start to our summer with our Summer Kick Off Family Picnic!!   It was really hot outside but the kids enjoyed bringing a sack lunch to school and having an extended play time.  Thank you to all the Holly Tree parents that came and made it so special!!

This summer is going to be jam packed with awesome activities!!
Next week is Sand Castles, Red Cross Visit on Water Safety, and make Beach Collages. 

There is no other place like Holly Tree for Summer Fun!!!