Monday, June 14, 2010

Wee Chef's Begin!

We're now on to our second theme of the summer - Wee Chef's Cooking With Faith!

The center had been transformed into a biblical market place in the Land of Milk and Honey.  We have a spice shop, a bake shop, heavenly desserts, the garden, the grocery, and the fruits of the spirit!  I love tying in all of our classroom themes to a biblical theme.  It's such a great opportunity to plant seeds of the word in their little hearts!

We have lots to look forward to with Wee Chef's!  We're cooking with Kati and making Jello Jigglers later this afternoon, making ice cream, painting with food, making mana, doing personal pot holders, dressing like chefs, and a special guest is coming to do a dough tossing demonstration for our grand finale!! It's going to be awesome.  I can't wait!

Just a few reminders as we continue into this summer fun:

* Please put bug spray and sun screen on your children before school in the morning.  As the temperature heats us we want to make sure we stay safe!  Also, please remember that we will not be going outside if the heat index is above 95 degrees.  We are utilizing earlier and later outside play times so we can avoid the heat of the day.

* When you see a special guest event on your calendar, come join us!  We love having you here to see all the fun your children are having so you are always welcome to stop in for any of our activities!

That's all for now!  Hope everyone has a wonderful Monday!