Monday, August 23, 2010

Lost Sheep Petting Zoo

Everyone here was so excited about the petting zoo that came this passed Thursday!  We're finishing up our Young Author's - Stories of God's Word theme this week and one of the parables we've studied during this summer theme was the parable of the Lost Sheep.  It was great to see how the children learned about the story and then related it to something that was special to them.  In the parable Jesus tells us a story about a shepherd who will leave his heard of 99 sheep to find his one lost sheep. And when the sheep is found the shepherd rejoices and calls all of his neighbors around to tell them the good news!

The petting zoo was a treat for the children to see up close and personal how special some animals can be to us. They learned that if one animal can be special, think just how special THEY are!  It was so much fun and we can't wait to do it again next year!