Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Fitness Fanatics Leader Board Update

Well, it's that time folks!  The first edition of our leader board update!  Wonder who's in the lead?  What did they do to get there? Is it you?  Is it your friend?  Who's on their way to that free week of tuition?  I know... the anticipation is making your heat race... which by the way is an excellent way to burn calories.  Way to get that heart rate up!   Ok, ok... I'll stop.  Ready?  

*In my best announcer voice* - Here we are folks, round one!  It's been a great week in Fitness Fanatics competition.  The turn out has been outstanding but remember there is still time to get in on the race if you'd like!  Stop by the announcer desk for more details!  It's been a tight race all week but the SCHOEN family has pulled ahead in first place with an exciting 4 hours of family fitness time!  How did they do it?  Well there was lots of snow time, sledding, snow angels, and cleaning out that snow piled drive way!  What a way to work your biceps Schoen family!  They also did some playing ball and walking to round out their first place take over.  Close behind in a neck and neck tie is the BRANDON Family and COLLINS Family!  They each logged 3 hours of family fitness time playing in the snow, playing Wii Sports, and just general play!  That's what we like to hear.  You know that Collins family were our big winners last year... I wonder if they'll take it again?  The VANDENBURG family is close behind with a 45 minute snow play and dog chasing session!  Sounds like even the pets are getting in on all this fitness fun!  It looks like they'll be a big contender this year, already logging hours towards next weeks leader board in just these last few days!  The McMAHAN  family is rounding out our top five with a total of 30 minutes in the snow last week!  It's anybody's game at this point as we still have four weeks to come in this competition.  Fans have to wonder, who will be on top next week?  And did everyone log their hours yesterday?  It's likely that next weeks leader board will be sure to shake things up a bit as our big Fitness Fanatics 2011 race continues! This is Kelle in the announcer box signing out! 

See you all next week for round two!

Our Leader Board

The leaders of the pack!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Leave Your Mark!

At Holly Tree, we strive to be a big family, because that's what we're really good at - families.  We plan lots of events centered around time together with your children, and with other parents and children at our center.  We encourage parent involvement and love to see the smile on the kiddos faces when Grandma or Grandpa are in town for a visit and get to pick them up from school.  We love families so much, it's in our mission statement as number two on the list, our faith being the first. 

If you can't tell by now - we REALLY love you guys!  Because you're what makes this job so special, and there's no way we could do it without your support.  It takes all of us working together and having fun together to encourage and grow faith focused, smart, and courageous children. 

So, we got together and thought about how we could show our appreciation for all the special moments and times you've given us over the years.  You all leave your mark on Holly Tree in some way, and we talk about how we miss you once the little one goes off to "Big School" and we wonder how the new baby is doing or how the new job is going.  Unfortunately your little ones grow up so fast!  Life moves at a quick pace, and while we are fortunate enough to enjoy you for a short few years, it's not nearly long enough.

So how do you tie all that together?  Well by using a favorite around here of course! ART. 

We wanted to start the Leave Your Mark tradition here so that we could have a daily reminder about all the special people that have had a hand in making Holly Tree the amazing place it is.  Unfortunately we can't go back to 1979 and begin there but we can certainly start where we are. So from now on, every year we will choose a new picture to be painted by your thumb prints and we will hang it in our hallway.    It's a beautiful way to physically leave your mark on our special place here.

This year's design was appropriately, a Tree. 

It's halfway through and we still have a few more thumbprints to place on our tree but I wanted to show you the fun project that is almost complete!  

If you haven't yet, stop by the front office to "Leave Your Mark!"  The campaign will run through Friday January 21st!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Fitness Fanatics Pep Rally!

Last Friday we had our Fitness Fanatics Pep Rally to kick off our 5 weeks of fitness!  Each classroom picked an activity to do and the parents were able to participate in a round robin of events!  The kids had a bunch of fun trying out new games and on the way out the door families were able to decorate their sneaker and sign up to participate in FF!

Remember - you can still come by the front office and sign up to participate.  The winning family will earn a free week of tuition!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Fitness Fanatics is Back!

It's that time of year again!  We hope you all had a great Christmas and a very happy New Year!! Of course, following New Years people have many hopes and goals for the year ahead.  Holly Tree is no different!

This year we have taken big leaps in the fight against childhood obesity and we plan to continue that into 2011.  We're adding more nutritional items to our school menu every week, and we're encouraging our children to get up and get moving, to have fun being active, and to take care of their bodies. We're also paying close attention to our portion sizes  to make sure that our kiddos are getting all the nutrition that they need!

Recently, Holly Tree has been named a Gold Sneaker Facility and we're proud to hold the title!  (You can read all about what it means to be a Gold Sneaker Facility by clicking here)  In fact, Holly Tree Christian Preschool is the FIRST school in the Brentwood area to bear the title! 

Our Gold Sneaker stamp of approval has come just in time for our annual Fitness Fanatics program!  Last year Holly Tree Brentwood was the overall winner out of all of our NGU centers and we can't wait to make it a consecutive year!  Our 2011 FF program will focus on family activity.  We want to encourage you to have fun and be active together!  So all of your points logged this month will be for active time together as a family.  Have a dance party in the living room, go for a walk after dinner, ride your bikes down the road, play at the park, throw the ball outside, go swimming (indoors this time of year please :) ), go hiking at one of our beautiful TN state parks!  Just get moving, and encourage your children to do the same.  

Remember, the winning family will win a free week of tuition!

Fitness Fanatics Kick Off!
Friday, January 7 2011

We hope you'll join us for a round robin of ideas to get you guys moving together and some tasty, healthy snacks!  Be sure to decorate your sneaker and let everyone know you're a Fitness Fanatic! Can't wait to see you all at the finish line!