If you can't tell by now - we REALLY love you guys! Because you're what makes this job so special, and there's no way we could do it without your support. It takes all of us working together and having fun together to encourage and grow faith focused, smart, and courageous children.
So, we got together and thought about how we could show our appreciation for all the special moments and times you've given us over the years. You all leave your mark on Holly Tree in some way, and we talk about how we miss you once the little one goes off to "Big School" and we wonder how the new baby is doing or how the new job is going. Unfortunately your little ones grow up so fast! Life moves at a quick pace, and while we are fortunate enough to enjoy you for a short few years, it's not nearly long enough.
So how do you tie all that together? Well by using a favorite around here of course! ART.
We wanted to start the Leave Your Mark tradition here so that we could have a daily reminder about all the special people that have had a hand in making Holly Tree the amazing place it is. Unfortunately we can't go back to 1979 and begin there but we can certainly start where we are. So from now on, every year we will choose a new picture to be painted by your thumb prints and we will hang it in our hallway. It's a beautiful way to physically leave your mark on our special place here.
This year's design was appropriately, a Tree.
It's halfway through and we still have a few more thumbprints to place on our tree but I wanted to show you the fun project that is almost complete!
If you haven't yet, stop by the front office to "Leave Your Mark!" The campaign will run through Friday January 21st!