Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Fitness Fanatics Leader Board Update

Well, it's that time folks!  The first edition of our leader board update!  Wonder who's in the lead?  What did they do to get there? Is it you?  Is it your friend?  Who's on their way to that free week of tuition?  I know... the anticipation is making your heat race... which by the way is an excellent way to burn calories.  Way to get that heart rate up!   Ok, ok... I'll stop.  Ready?  

*In my best announcer voice* - Here we are folks, round one!  It's been a great week in Fitness Fanatics competition.  The turn out has been outstanding but remember there is still time to get in on the race if you'd like!  Stop by the announcer desk for more details!  It's been a tight race all week but the SCHOEN family has pulled ahead in first place with an exciting 4 hours of family fitness time!  How did they do it?  Well there was lots of snow time, sledding, snow angels, and cleaning out that snow piled drive way!  What a way to work your biceps Schoen family!  They also did some playing ball and walking to round out their first place take over.  Close behind in a neck and neck tie is the BRANDON Family and COLLINS Family!  They each logged 3 hours of family fitness time playing in the snow, playing Wii Sports, and just general play!  That's what we like to hear.  You know that Collins family were our big winners last year... I wonder if they'll take it again?  The VANDENBURG family is close behind with a 45 minute snow play and dog chasing session!  Sounds like even the pets are getting in on all this fitness fun!  It looks like they'll be a big contender this year, already logging hours towards next weeks leader board in just these last few days!  The McMAHAN  family is rounding out our top five with a total of 30 minutes in the snow last week!  It's anybody's game at this point as we still have four weeks to come in this competition.  Fans have to wonder, who will be on top next week?  And did everyone log their hours yesterday?  It's likely that next weeks leader board will be sure to shake things up a bit as our big Fitness Fanatics 2011 race continues! This is Kelle in the announcer box signing out! 

See you all next week for round two!

Our Leader Board

The leaders of the pack!